More Affordable Prices for 4K Monitors as Dell Reveal Prices


With Ultra HD resolution monitors being one for the rich and prices being hurled down by companies, we will now get to see what Dell has to offer as they announce their new range of monitors along with a more comfortable price tag.

Their upcoming monitors have had their prices declared after a press conference by Dell, of which we were told “Dell 28 Ultra HD Monitor delivers Ultra HD resolution at mainstream affordable pricing“

The prices now stand at:

• Dell UltraSharp 24” Ultra HD: £855 ($1,399)
• Dell UltraSharp 32” Ultra HD: £2137 ($3,499)
• Dell 28” Ultra HD: £610 (<$1000)

As it currently positions itself regarding price, we will need to wait to see what Dell classes as affordable over the next year or so. We are more likely to see the drop in price coming down fast, way into 2014 but to power these Ultra HD resolution screens we will now need to provide their worth with high performance GPUs. Will the price for a 4k monitor and high power GPU be worth it?


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