Free Intel 600p M.2 NVMe SSD With MSI Z270 GAMING M5 & M7 Motherboards

Free Intel 600p M.2 NVMe SSD With MSI Z270 GAMING M5 & M7 Motherboards

Now that Intel’s Kaby Lake 7th generation processors are available to buy from virtually all the retailers/resellers, this means that the new Z270 chipset motherboards are out…and MSI have a cracking offer!

With the purchase of the MSI Z270 GAMING M5 or M7 motherboards, MSI has bundled Intel 600p M.2 NVMe SSDs (while stocks last) with them.

Check out our review of the MSI Z270 GAMING M7 below:

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Not only is the MSI Z270 GAMING M7 a Play3r Platinum award winning motherboard, but you can get it now with a nice little sweetener.

More information can be found by clicking this link –

The above link also includes all the information regarding redeeming the Intel 600p NVME 256GB SSD as well as links to do so. This is such an awesome deal, so be sure to pick up either your MSI Z270 GAMING M5 or GAMING M7 motherboards before they run out of stock!


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