Overclockers UK early Black Friday information

Overclockers UK early Black Friday information 1

Overclockers UK have announced that this Black Friday will be their best yet!

A news post went live on Overclockers UK News following on from announcements that they will be dropping the curtains to display some killer prices on their website.

black fri

“We’ve been preparing Black Friday, and we’re proud to announce that this will be the best Black Friday that we have ever done!” the article reads, going on to say “Black Friday will be starting early, the offers will start Thursday morning around 9AM so customers can receive and enjoy the hardware on Black Friday. Black Friday will end on Tuesday morning, or when stock runs out, whichever comes sooner” So, expect plenty of bargains and discounts this weekend from Overclocker UK!

What are you hoping to see listed on the site, maybe some hardware to dust off the old kit or maybe an SSD to make your relic boot at lightening fast speeds. Let us know!


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