Play3r Are Looking For New Blood – Join Our Team

Play3r Are Looking For New Blood - Join Our Team

Ever been interested in reviewing or have a keen eye for detail? Do you constantly feel like you’re giving advice to people on what is good and what isn’t and take great pleasure in doing so? Well here at Play3r, we are looking to expand our editorial team once again and have a couple of great opportunities to get into the reviewing/news media industry.

Our primary focus here at Play3r is to produce unbiased, honest and no-nonsense content which not only gives the general public insight into products before they purchase them, but it also influences companies to take on factual/opinionated advice on which makes products better. If you’re interested in joining the editorial team and being a part of all that is Play3r, make sure you read below!

What are the requirements?

  • Good written English (grammar and spelling)
  • Friendly, fun and sociable (we really like to have banter here at Play3r)
  • Be able to some spare time a week to contribute to the site by creating unique content and writing news articles

If all of the above fits you and you think you can do it (or you know you can), then here’s what to do. Send us a short tester article to

Make sure to make the email subject clear (we get emails frequently) and don’t be afraid to put some passion/emphasis on the product you are testing. Writing can be improved over time, but style and personality is something you either have or you don’t!

Current positions available:

  • News Editor
  • Lifestyle Reviewer (Must be living in the UK)


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