Battlefield 4 minimum specs revealed


With a lot of talk recently about will it run Battlefield 4, EA and DICE have finally released the specs for this much anticipated game. Is your PC Battlefield 4 ready?

Well one things for sure, a lot of people probably didn’t see some of the specifications for the game coming. However, with the next generation consoles around the corner, it is not a massive surprise. Windows 8 may shock some people but with DX 11.1, its to be expected.

The minimum specifications are as follows:

  • OS: Windows Vista SP2 32 bit or more recent
  • Processor: AMD Athlon X2 2.8GHz or Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz
  • Memory: 4GB
  • Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 3870 or Nvidia Geforce 8800GT
  • Graphics memory: 512MB
  • Hard Drive; 30GB

Minimum specs are not bad at all, other than the large portion of your hard drive you will need to dedicate to the game, and that is without the expansions! Anyone that has had a PC that was reasonably good at some point in the last few years should be able to play BF4 without any problems.


The recommended specifications are:

OS: Windows 8 64bit
Processor: AMD six-core CPU or Intel quad core CPU
Memory: 8GB
Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 7870 or Nvidia Geforce GTX 660
Graphics memory: 3GB
Hard Drive 30GB

Looks like I for one am going to have to go for an upgrade, what are your thoughts on this?


Battlefield 4 will be released on November 1st with the BETA expected to be announced early October. Are you prepared for Battle?



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