Best Intellectual Games That Can Help Students to Stay Focused

play3r_6 games you need to try in 2019

Academia puts lots of responsibility on students’ shoulders. It requires plenty of attention to pass the course and earn the desired degree. Concentration problems are common among students because many do sports work to cover their expenses. Lacking time and focus, they often buy college lab report or any other paper to quickly deal with the task.

But is it the only way to stay concentrated and productive? After all, lots of students strive to boost their concentration and complete assignments themselves. This quick guide walks through the best intellectual games to help you remain focused.

Chess-like games

Checkers and chess are excellent games because they successfully draw the player’s attention and reduce the chances of being disturbed. Checkers don’t have complicated rules, which allows anyone to play them. In contrast, it is crucial to know how to play chess, as there are numerous pieces with peculiar movements. For instance, chess comprises:

  • Rook
  • Bishop
  • Queen
  • Knight
  • Pawn
  • King

But, although you have to learn the rules (if you haven’t already), be sure that chess will make you entirely focused not only during the game but also afterward.


Dragger is a simple, usually online, game that requires drag the picture’s elements into relevant chambers to create a complete image. The game is incredible because it carries several goals. First, Dragger engages the player and increases their concentration. Second, some web pages that have Dragger have pictures of artworks, which is a great way to develop aesthetic intelligence.


Another fantastic game is Counterfeit. Counterfeit’s primary aim is to confuse the player by providing two similar pictures with minor differences. The player’s goal is to find such alterations (the quicker, the better). Likewise, particular websites rely on artworks, which makes this game appealing.


In the same fashion, Rotate operates with pictures. But this time, players have to rotate images to recreate an original photo. The game also provides artistic creations. Chaotically scattered, it will definitely spark the attention and retain anyone’s focus.

Crime Scene

If you have ever craved to become a detective and solve a crime, Crime Scene is your go-to. The game can’t be more straightforward. All you need to do is observe a picture for three seconds and then select a convict from the list of suspected people. Crime Scene is a simple yet efficient game to improve the person’s concentration and help focus on any task.

Board Games

Practically any board game is intellectually demanding. Your focus, along with cognitive and decision-making skills, will skyrocket by playing board games! You can choose any board game your heart desires, as they all proved helpful. For instance, if you prefer classic games, consider playing The Game of Life, Clue, Candy Land, or the well-known Monopoly.

In turn, if games that require strategic thinking are your cup of coffee, you will surely benefit from playing Battleship, Risk, Stratego, and Backgammon.

Finally, those who love playing with family members will be enamored of Uno, Cranium, Dominoes, Trouble, and Sorry! The list can be limitless, so make sure to check and select the one you like the most.


Hearthstone can’t be the most intellectual game out there, yet it is hard to underestimate its efficiency. Hearthstone is a collectible card game from Blizzard that has literally conquered the world of card games. The game has numerous modes and allows the players to collect card sets and use them during various battles.

Compared to the mentioned games, Hearthstone is the most versatile and visually engaging. It can help develop planning and time-orienting skills. But what is far most important is that Hearthstone will help remain focused and productive.

The above games are different in gameplay, graphics, and objectives. However, they all carry the same aim – to help students stay concentrated. If you aspire to boost your focus, try something from the list. By playing them between your learning or writing sessions, you will improve your concentration and become more efficient shortly.


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