Envision Entertainment: New German Game Development Studio Up And Running



A new studio has risen from EA Phenomic, formerly Phenomic Games. Envision Entertainment was formed in Ingelheim, Germany by veteran developers. From Phenomic Games to EA Phenomic to the brand new Envision Entertainment there’s an unbroken line of dedicated key personnel: Dirk Ringe, Boris Kunkel and Volker Wertich, who were the original founders of Phenomic in 1997 and later the senior management of EA Phenomic, are still on board and eager to lead their newest endeavour to success.

The new studio has acquired Ubisoft as their first business partner, working together on a number of projects. Other Envision clients will be announced soon.

Envision has a 25+ strong team as well as very good network of freelance personnel and is able to handle small and mid-sized projects, from mobile to browser to client.

“We formed this new company to do what we do best”, says Dirk Ringe, CEO, “to build deep online strategy games. We envision games that last for years, that are places that gamers return to frequently to find new challenges and meet like-minded people. Social strategy, so to speak.”


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