e-Sports European Premier League Round Up – June 2014


Hello guys I’m here to give you a round-up of some of the best e-Sports action over the past few months. I first discovered e-Sports through Starcraft II and the 1v1 heavy multi-tasking nature of it is amazing to watch.

Lately there have been a few surprises in the European Premier League. It seems to be tradition that top players MC and MMA duke it out for the 1st place spot. This year however MMA was knocked out of the group stage by Korean player ForGG. I’ve seen ForGG in action but he never struck me as world champion quality. It seems I should kick myself up the backside because he has also knocked out 2 of the best European players in the league.

Netherlands player Harstem and Norwegian Snute are the best 2 players in Europe at the moment (not including Korean players in Europe). My money was on one of them getting to the finals until I discovered they had to go head to head. Harstem lost his first match against VortiX and then Snute lost against ForGG, by twist of fate Snute and Harstem go against each other. ForGG lost his second match against VortiX which then forced him to play the winner of the European face-off.

Check out their match here:

Check out ForGG in action against MMA:

Moving forward into the finals my money is on MC aka the “Boss Toss”. He is one of a few pro-gamers fighting over the record of highest earning e-Sports player of any genre in history. With his long time rival MMA out of the way nothing can stop him. Also ForGG looks set to knock out the last European in his quarter final match against Finland player Welmu.

You can catch the finals here:
European Season 2 Finals – Day 1 – 5th July 3pm
European Season 2 Finals – Day 2 – 6th July 4pm

Over in the League of Legends Championship there has been a big shake up and players have been jumping ship left, right and center. Gambit Gaming is a Russian based team and possibly my favourite team, or at least it was. They had a rocky start to this season because 60% of their team had visa issues. Since then their mid lane player Alex Ich left the team due to personal issues. It was because of Alex that I played Kayle.

At the start of May e-Sports organisation Ninjas in Pyjamas (NiP) mixed up their roster and took on Alex Ich. They were looking set to become the next super team in the LCS. That was until two of their players, Nukeduck and Mithy, were fined and suspended for poor behaviour in solo queue. Riot are quick to land the ban hammer and it hits pro players harder than casual!

Fnatic are one of the oldest League of Legends teams and European favourites. They have what it takes to win the world championships. They tied 3rd/4th in the last season but this year they’re currently 50:50 with their W/L ratio in the summer split and Alliance have stormed the league. Alliance are a relatively new team that appeared last year and have only lost 2 out of their 10 games this split.

If you need a reason to believe in Alliance have a look at this superb decision making:


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