Dead By Daylight – Game Review

Dead By Daylight - Game Review 1

[section_title title=”Introduction”]


Developer: Behaviour Digital Inc.
Game: Dead By Daylight
Price: £14.99 rrp. but varies with retailer (Click here to buy from G2A)

Horror movies are something we all know and mostly love, movies like Halloween, Friday the 13th, etc are an institution to horror movies. Through the years I know I personally have had a thought to myself ‘I would love a game like that’, low and behold in 2016 it’s actually happened! We already know there is to be a Friday the 13th game later this year, but Dead by Daylight has beaten them to the punch and released their take on the horror movie game, and this is certainly one I’ve been looking forward to for a long damn time. The best part of this game is the fact that it’s multiplayer, and one of the people in the lobby will take the place of the evil monster that will be hunting you throughout your time in the game (unless you’re the monster!). Something that is rather powerful for me with this game is that you know the villain is another player, yet you still get scared when you see them catching up behind you, and you still get those feelings of sheer panic trying to run away or hoping they don’t find you hiding in a closet.

I really love the cinematic intro that is a little like the Left 4 Dead intros in that they show the characters in the game, and then go about introducing the big bad guy, the cinematic is very true to the gameplay too, as it’s usually how I’d play the thing.


Up till now I’ve put in well over 50 hours into this game, admittedly playing about 90% of the gameplay as the survivor’s. This is one of those games I think I’ll find myself playing at least a couple hundred hours worth in this game, so the £14.99 price tag is pretty damn fantastic when it comes to time spent in game.

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