Allison Road, Inspired by PT Cancelled

Allison Road, Inspired by PT Cancelled 2

Another one bites the dust, Allison Road, the first person horror game that was inspired by PT has sadly followed in it’s footsteps and has been also cancelled. There is no reason as of yet from the developer as to why this has happened all he simply tweeted was:

“Hi all. Sadly Allison Road had to be cancelled. Statement to come in the next few days. Thx for all your support and very sad it came 2 this”


Allison Road once had a Kickstarter, but after being so impressed with the game, Worms developer Team17 offered to publish the game. With the game having such a well known publisher it’s rather a mysterious thing to have this game abruptly be cancelled seemingly from out of nowhere… Maybe this particular kind of game is like the subject matter itself, haunted in some way… SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS!

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