Xbox Live Not "Hacked" Says Microsoft


Microsoft has come out and refuted claims that Xbox Live has been hacked. Rumours surfaced last week that passwords and email addresses had been stolen from the online service. Last week, the online group known as “DerpTrolling” claimed to have acquired 1,473 Windows Live Accounts. They apparently posted the details onto Pastebin.

The group also published 2,131 accounts stolen from Sony. However, by all accounts Sony has come out and said they have not been hacked. Microsoft has released a statement saying:

“We immediately investigated reports regarding some Microsoft Accounts including Windows Live and Hotmail and can confirm that no Microsoft site or service was compromised. Microsoft takes account security and privacy seriously. Should we identify any specific account at risk for any reason, we will take action to protect the account. To help keep your information safe, we encourage you to set strong passwords, change passwords regularly and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. For more information on password security, visit our website at”

DerpTrolling announced the attack on social media. The account has now been removed from all social networks to prevent further announcements.

I, touch wood, have never been hit by a hijack or scam. It is a scary thing as my Microsoft accounts holds my financial information as well my gaming information. This could result in my personal information being used by any Tom, Dick, or Harry. I’ve heard Harry is especially naughty.

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