Intel Desktop Market Roadmap For H2 2013 and H1 2014 Revealed


The crew at CPU World discovered a few slides which showcase Intel’s plans for the next year. Intel seem to have released their i5 and i7 models first, as they did with Ivy Bridge, and they’re bringing the i3 and lower-end Pentium chips to the market in the next quarter (Q3). Q3 will also bring the next-gen i7 Extreme chips which will be known as IvyBridge-E. As you can see from the image below, Intel are planning to bring out a new CPU to replace the i7-4770, and it’ll be known as the i7-4771. The differences are up for speculation as of yet and we will bring you more details as soon as we get them.

There will not be any major changes to the chipsets which Intel are planning to use. They are bringing us H81 in Q3 ’13, though. In Q2 ’14, we can expect to see two new chipsets which are said to the the Z97 and H97 chipsets although details are still very vague in terms of their features.

To finish off, Intel will be releasing a number of Intel Celeron, Pentium and Core i3 CPUs to replace the current Ivy Bridge variants. They will include the new Haswell core technology as well as an improved iGPU.


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