MSI Notebook’s i50 Booth Not To Be Missed!


MSI Notebook are going to be MSI’s only booth at i50 and therefore, they are going to have an awesome setup at i50 we’re lead to believe!

The MSI UK team will be at the MSI Notebook booth offering up information on their range of Fnatic endorsed gaming laptops as well as running Facebook and Twitter competitions throughout the event, giving away MSI goodie-bags and even free Steam games.

MSI Notebook will also be running a a free and friendly League of Legends tournament with the opportunity to win tickets to next year’s i51. The tournament is against bots so fear not noobs! Of course, the tournament will be played out on MSI’s own laptops and it means you don’t have to have your own computer to play!

In addition to the League of Legends tournament, the MSI Notebook team will be running Insomnia only discounts on their gaming laptops from component supplier CCL.



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