MSI OC Academy Cambridge – April 2015


[section_title title=8PACK & Der8auer]

8Pack & Der8auer

Ian ’8Pack’ Parry and Roman ‘Der8auer’ Hartung were also on hand trying to break some world records. While I tried not to bother them too much, I did notice at one time they were benching Quad SLI NVIDIA Titan X GPU’s! They were so busy in their little corner of the benching room that they didn’t have time to compete against the others in attendance, but it was still good fun being able to watch them as they were benching pretty much all day on Saturday.  Seeing the amount of LN2 these two went through alone was rather impressive as well, to the point where it took three lackeys constantly refilling 5 flasks to keep up.

Team Great Britain Overclock with MSI OC Acedemy Event _21

Team Great Britain Overclock with MSI OC Acedemy Event _20


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