Overclockers UK Exclusive: Introducing ExcelFil™ from Voltivo – High grade 3D printing filament, the perfect solution for your 3D printing needs.


Voltivo ExcelFil™ High Grade 3D printing filament; exclusive at Overclockers UK.

Voltivo ExcelFil™ is a high grade, high density 3D printing filament available in both PLA and ABS and has been tested with a wide variety of 3D printers for both print experience and compatibility. ExcelFil™ is also designed to high tolerances, offering a diameter and roundness accuracy of better than 0.05mm to ensure smooth flow and layer width accuracy. This combined with being formulated for rapid cooling and high tensile strength make it an ideal partner for your 3D printer. It is also stored and shipped on a recycleable spool, vacuum sealed, and with a desiccant bag – to ensure a moisture controlled environment during transport.

ExcelFil™ is available in the two most popular diameters of 1.75mm and 3mm and a wide range of colours to suite your need, using generous amounts of non-toxic colouring pigments to deliver a fully opaque, glossy finish. There is also no scrap or recycled material in the mix, only grade A PLA/ABS raw materials from USA and German suppliers, which ensure a trouble free and safe printing experience. Voltivo also offer practical filament clips and custom spool-holders as downloadable 3D model files from their support website.

On average, Voltivo takes two weeks to test each batch of ExcelFil™ to ensure a highly reliable and repeatable print result . They test the material, diameter, and color combination in differing semi-automated tests. The final result is a filament, that performs well under low printing temperatures – meaning less blobbing and stringing – as well as to provide strong layer bonds once cooled.

Voltivo also understands that due to 3D printing being a complex procedure, the combination of materials, colour, the model being produced, the software, and printer hardware can yield different results. This is why every spool that they ship comes with a QRCode, to provide you with direct access to the ExcelFil™ support website which details technical specifications as well as recommended printing temperatures for each individual combination.

Voltivo do care for the environment, and recommend using PLA as it is manufactured from renewable resources, namely corn starch and sugarcane, giving a sweet smell when used, which most users prefer. However, due to higher operating temperature that specific applications demand or for printed models that are exposed to the elements, ABS takes over. This is due to the melting point of ABS being higher than PLA and also being water resistant. Therefore Voltivo offer both varieties to give you the ease of ordering from one reliable source.

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