Sony lists its E3 line-up, announces E3 Community Event, LiveCast schedule

Sony lists its E3 line-up, announces E3 Community Event, LiveCast schedule

Sony will host its annual E3 press conference on June 15, and along with various game announcements, the firm will also have a bevy of titles available on the showroom floor.

First off, here’s the list of playable games Sony is bringing to the event, along with Project Morpheus:

Alone With You
Batman: Arkham Knight
Capsule Force
Cosmic Star Heroine
Death Tales
Drawn to Death –
Dungeon Defenders 2
Enter the Gungeon
Fat Princess Adventures Fun Bits
GALAK-Z: The Dimensional
Gang Beasts
God of War 3 HD
Guns Up!
Heart Forth, Alicia
I Am Bread
Kill Strain
Moon Hunters
Nuclear Throne
Planetside 2
Project Morpheus
Ratchet & Clank I
Rocket League
Salt & Sanctuary
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore
Street Fighter 5
Super Meat Boy
Super Time Force Ultra
Tearaway: Unfolded
The Tomorrow Children
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
To Leave
Until Dawn
Sony is also partnering with IndieCade which will feature the following PS4 titles in their booth: Gravity Ghost, Distance, Night in the Woods and ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS.

Those who aren’t attending will be able to watch the festivities live through their PlayStation console using the Live Events Viewer app, or via, Twitch, YouTube, and on the PlayStation Blog.

A PlayStation LiveCast show will also kick off Tuesday, June 16 at 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern/8pm UK and will feature new gameplay footage, game demos, and developer interviews across more than 40 upcoming games.

Here’s the LiveCast Schedule

Monday: 5:45pm Pacific
Tuesday: 12-6pm Pacific
Wednesday: 10am to 5:00pm Pacific
Thursday: 10am to 3:00pm Pacific
The E3 Community Event is also back, and those who live in California can stop by the San Diego Studios E3 Community Meetup located outside of the West Hall entrance of the LA Convention Center on June 17th from 4-8pm.

It’s free, open to the public and various San Diego Studios developers will be on-hand including Drawn to Death’s David Jaffe.

Other playable games include: MLB 15 The Show, Guns Up! and Killstrain. Nearby will be the opportunity to get hands-on with Star Wars Battlefront, try out the Star Wars Battlefront X-Wing Experience and more.

E3 2015 takes place June 16-18.


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