Xbox One Sales More Than Doubled Last Month


Microsoft has seen a “strong spike in interest” for it’s Xbox One console in the last month with sales more than doubling compared to May 2014 saying “Since the new Xbox One offering launched on June 9th, we’ve seen sales of Xbox One more than double* in the US, compared to sales in May, and solid growth in Xbox 360 sales.”

The main reason for this is due to the “new $399 offering” that doesn’t feature the Kinect sensor, hence the price drop which has brought the console much more in line with the pricing of the Playstation 4 (which currently retails at $399 also). This is one of the reasons that the PS4 has been a lot more popular than the Xbox One – it is cheaper and has a slightly faster GPU than the One, which in turn makes it much more attractive to the hardcore gamers. However Microsoft also believes that due to their E3 announcements (where they announced several exclusives as well as a whole bunch of next gen titles such as Assassin’s Creed Unity and Destiny) at which they tried to show a more gaming orientated Xbox One, and the $399 bundle, will be enough to bring them back in the running against Sony.

Microsoft also had more fighting talk on the gaming front saying “new blockbuster hits will launch for Xbox One at an incredible pace throughout the fall, as we head into the holiday season. Gamers love the holidays and we are lining up incredible deals and special promotions to celebrate. The fun is just getting started and we can’t wait to share more exciting news soon”, and this is a move that can surely only be good for gamers as a whole, but it’ll be interesting to see just how much of the gap to Sony Microsoft can close in terms of sale in the first full year of the consoles launch.


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