Groovez Zip Review


[section_title title=”Conclusion”]Conclusion

The Groovez ZIP came into this review from a manufacturer that’s essentially unknown with a point to prove and a heavy investment on a questionable selling point, and on the back of this review, the anonymity in the greater market space isn’t surprising.

First up is the selling-point of the Groovez ZIP which feels more like a contested point, if anything. Admittedly, the ZIP has the most reliable anti-tangle cable I’ve personally used but has the trade-off of  being cumbersome and less than ideal when not in use. I’m confident that myself, like most people, probably pack away their earphones after their commute in their pocket for easy access later in the day. The Groovez ZIP take up more room and weigh more than most other earphones we’ve covered recently and so what’s offered up on the anti-tangle front is taken away on the usability side of things.

Secondly there is the quality factor of the ZIP. On the whole, the earphones perform worse than the Sennheiser CX475, I feel, which is as much a testament to the Sennheiser as it is the dubious sound produced by the ZIP. There isn’t one area where the earphones sound great, or even a match for the CX475s, which cost the same minus the chat functionality. Assuming you’re looking for some new earphones on an extremely limited budget that fits both the ZIP and CX475, I’m inclined to feel Joe Bloggs would err towards audio quality over extra functionality for his/her money.

To bring this review to a close, the ZIP sit in a rather odious position of not really having anything going for them enough to outweigh the cons relative to our previous few earphone reviews right back to the budget Sennhesier CX475. If you can afford to spend a few quid more and do some Google-fu it’s likely you could land the Coolermaster Resonar or Marley Uplift earphones if “tangle free” voice capable earphones are important to you.

  • Performance
  • Design
  • Value


To link back to the review’s main point: there isn’t a compelling reason in any area of the ZIP’s performance that you should consider over competitors in either price, functionality and value. Audio performance is weak, investment in the zipper questionable and quite simply, better options are available for little to no more cash.

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