[section_title title=”Performance”] Performance
Audio Quality
The Q-BOPZ sound is rather good considering its size and the fact it only has a 3w speaker. When looking at a device of this size you really can’t expect too much except for it to have a half decent volume and to have a clear, crisp sound. The Q-BOPZ has a great volume range and while there was a little bit of distortion at the highest of levels, it wasn’t that bad and in my opinion can be expected from most speakers when turned all the way up. The Q-BOPZ is designed to add a bit of extra sound to your smartphone or tablet and it does just that.
Setup was straight forward as we would expect. Just make sure the Q-BOPZ has a bit of charge in it and turn it on. Then make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your preferred device and scan for new devices, the Q-BOPZ will show up as QDOS by default, click on it and it should connect within just a few seconds. It is amazing that in this day and age how many devices show up as what looks like a serial number in the available Bluetooth devices list instead of an easy to find name, thankfully that was of course not the case with the Q-BOPZ.
Battery Life
The battery life of the Q-PODZ is rated to last for 7 hours. Normally when companies set these ratings there are for full volume. When testing the Q-BOPZ I was probably around 50-75% volume and I got a good 9-10 hours out of a single charge. This is of course due to the mAh of the battery QDOS have decided to use in the Q-BOPZ. This is more than acceptable to me given the size of the device. It will do what it is meant to and get users through most of the day on a full charge which is all one can ask really.