Sony NWZ-E585 Walkman Review


[section_title title=”Software”]


The E585 ships with Sony’s own Media Go software suite. The suite is essentially their version of iTunes (without the store) and is extremely functional as a day-to-day player suite with easy to access media buttons and an easy UI to browse through.

The device screen itself is clutter free also, giving you the information you may need such as space left, firmware revision and so on. Device preferences can also be set so that your library is synced to your device with quality settings of your choosing for audio, video and pictures. As per the introduction, the FLAC support is indirectly made note of in the Media Go software by allowing you to rip to the format.

What is of note is the ‘eject’ option in the bottom left. This is all but a requirement of the software after you’ve done syncing. If you remove the device without software ejecting first, the device hangs and needs a soft reboot by pushing a pen or similar in the back of it. This isn’t a massive issue by any stretch, but I thought we had left the whole ‘You can now safely remove your device’ messages behind with Windows XP. Another peculiar occurrence of the software is that it syncing would drop out when connected to my monitor’s (Dell U2711) USB 2.0 ports or the USB 3.0 ports on the front of my PC case – using my keyboard’s (QPAD MK-85) USB 2.0 ports worked fine, though.



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