Noctua NF-A4x10 NF-A8 and NF-A9 Review


[section_title title=”Closer Look Nf-A4x10″]Closer Look NF-A4x10

The packaging for Noctua’s new fans should look familiar to those who have used their fans before. Noctua is more designed around performance and quality and I think their packaging reflects this well, it just looks professional to me and you can tell Noctua have paid attention to even the smallest details even on the boxes.

On the front of the boxes, users will be able to see a bit of information pertaining to the fan inside.

Noctua NF-A4x10 _4

On the back of the packaging is a short paragraph that goes over some of the main features of the fans and down the left hand side we can see a full specifications list so users can make sure this is the fan they need.

Noctua NF-A4x10

The front of the box is actually a flap and opening it up reveals further information, including box contents and in true Noctua fashion there are plenty of accessories/connectors to give users the best chance possible of getting the fan set up just how they want.

Noctua NF-A4x10 _1 Noctua NF-A4x10 _2

The NF-A4x10 comes with:

  • 3:2 Pin Adaptor
  • OmniJoin Adaptor Set
  • 30cm Extension Cable
  • 4 Vibration-Compensators
  • 4 Fan Screws

Noctua NF-A4x10 _6

To give you all a real world comparison of size I have used a 50 pence piece in the photos, as you can see it is almost the same size as the A4x10. As these fans are also a part of the normal NF range they feature the same brown on brown colour scheme Noctua originally used with their fans.

Noctua NF-A4x10 _5

The back of the fan is fairly standard and features a sticker in the middle that has some information on it including the model name, power ratings and the URL to the Noctua website.

Noctua NF-A4x10 _3



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