Thermalright Macho Rev. B CPU Cooler Review


[section_title title=”Closer Look”]Closer Look

The look of the Macho Rev. B is quite simplistic and I feel that this bodes well for it, not being overly flashy should hopefully attract a wider base of interested users when all is said and done.  The top fin of the cooler which is the part that will most likely be in view in most builds is black anodized and has quite a few holes in it to help and let air through. The rest of the cooler features the standard grey aluminium look which should not deter users at all as there is nothing wrong with it, if anything it probably will save end-users a couple of bucks when purchasing the Rev. B.

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Thermalright Macho Rev B_13

The Macho Rev. B has 6 heat pipes that pass all the way up through the top fin of the array as we saw in the previous photos.

Thermalright Macho Rev B_9

The CPU contact plate has a very impressive mirror finish, as you can see my camera wanted to focus more on the reflection of the pound coin more than it did the actual coin.

Thermalright Macho Rev B_1



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