AMD Radeon R9 Gamer Series RAM Review


[section_title title=”Introduction”]Introduction

AMD is a company that needs no introduction. Founded in 1969 they are a major player in manufacturing and innovating computer components. From Graphics Cards to Processors and even RAM, AMD has made its mark and proven they are here to stay.

Today I will be taking a look at two kits from their Gamer Series; The AMD Radeon R9 2133Mhz 8GB (2x4GB) and the AMD Radeon R9 2400MHz 16GB (2x8GB) kits. Both of these kit feature AMP profiles for easy setup and overclocking and are said to perform best when paired with an AMD FX or A10 CPU.

Before we take a look at how this RAM stacks up against the competitors, let’s have a look at the specifications.



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