[section_title title=3D Mark11]
3D Mark 11
Designed to measure your PC’s gaming performance 3Dmark 11 makes extensive use of all the new features in DirectX 11 including tessellation, compute shaders and multi-threading. Trusted by gamers worldwide to give accurate and unbiased results, 3Dmark 11 is the best way to consistently and reliably test DirectX 11 under game-like loads.
For the purpose of this review I used the demo version which only allows max resolution on 720P.
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I have the same ram mentioned above. But I’m having problems the ram won’t work by itself but if I add a stock of my dad’s corsair vengeance it registers all the sticks. If I don’t have this plugged in my computer won’t even start. I’ve tried single channel with each stick but neither work by themselves. Any idea on how to fix this?
R934g2130u1s. I’ve been trying to fix this for over a month.