MSI 990FXA GAMING Motherboard Review


[section_title title=”Overclocking”]


Overclocking was something I was looking forward to very much for this review. Not only was I on a new motherboard, but I was also using a CPU I hadn’t touched before. Overclocking new hardware is always fun, trying to push things to its limits seems to just be something that runs through my blood!

4.5GHz was my first task, this just seems to be the standard starting point for overclocks on most CPU’s these days. It seems to be a very good start ground to see how much voltage you need to get there over stock speeds and can give you a bit of an idea of what you will need to keep going farther. It took me a couple of tries to get there, but in the end 4.5GHz was easily obtained.



Next up I went for 4.7GHz, which seemed fine so I went for the jump to 5.0GHz!!! Well, it booted into windows and I could browse the web and use the PC but as soon as I went to run some benchmarks, BOOM – blue screen of death! As I didn’t want to put too many volts through the poor CPU as it was at 1.45v, I decided to back it on down to 4.7. This is where I felt the most stable, between what the benchmarks were telling and my own feeling, this was a nice ending point where I feel it could easily be run as a 24/7 stable OC for the system.


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