Tesoro Excalibur V2 Mechanical Keyboard Review


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The other features of the keyboard that we have not discussed so far are listed below.

Gaming Grade Mechanical Switch

The Tesoro Excalibur V2 comes with blue mechanical switches made by


32bit ARM Cortex Premium Processor

It might sound a little odd at first glance having a processor on a keyboard, but when you consider some of the abilities of this keyboard such as the extra lighting effects as well as running the on-board software that drives the macro functionality, it’s purpose becomes a little clearer. ARM processors are found all over the world on embedded devices from phones and tablets to fridges, cameras, TVs and on and on and they are almost always praised for their speed and reliability.

1000Hz Ultra-polling rate

With a polling rate of 1000Hz you don’t need to worry about lag between the keyboard and the computer – it’s as fast as you can get over USB cables.

512KB (4Mb) Onboard memory

4Mb of onboard memory might not sound a lot in the great scheme of things, but it’s plenty to store all your lighting and macro modifications on the keyboard itself, so if you are travelling to a lan and just taking your keyboard and mouse you won’t need to spend time installing software on the rented PC, in fact, you don’t need the software at all if you don’t want to install it.

All Keys Programmable

With the exception of only the Windows key and function (FN) keys, every key on the board can be programmed to emulate either another key, or sequence of keys through the macro suite or can be set to start a program or can even be disabled entirely – handy if you often strike two keys at once when mashing the keyboard to desperately evade that zombie as both keys can be set to give the same output.

N-Key / 6 Key Rollover

Key rollover is the ability of the keyboard to process the next key that’s been struck before the first key has been released. This can massively increase typing speed in the office as well as gaming efficiency when you get home. The Excalibur V2 comes with the option to engage 6-key rollover mode or use N-key rollover. 6-Key rollover, as the name suggests, allows six different keys to be pressed without release and each key will be recognised in the order that they were pressed, but attempt to strike a seventh key and it will be ignored. The other option of N-key rollover has no such limits and will recognise each and every key pressed, even if you press every key on the board (except the Windows key and the FN key).

Double injection keycaps

The key caps used are black plastic on the outside with an opaque white plastic inside that allows the lighting to be seen clearly through the letters and numbers. They are much more durable that painted caps and there’s no chance of rubbing the letters off or making them less clear.

Quick profile switch, instant macro recording, reset hotkey, keyboard lock

The keyboard comes with five profiles, and each will remember your specific lighting and macro settings making it simple to change between standard typing and your preferred gaming setup for most of your games. One thing that’s missing though is a profile indicator to tell you which profile is currently active but since changing profiles can be done with a single function key it’s not hard to make certain that you are in the one that you want. Other function key  combinations that are included are full media controls to change your tunes and the volume level.


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