Some companies offer great support to the modding community and some fail to even acknowledge them, one such company on the good side of the coin is Mayhems. If you haven’t heard of Mayhems, then you clearly have never water cooled your PC or if you do on a regular basis, you have probably been living under a rock. Mayhems might not be a multi-million pound company or have an owner on the Forbes rich list, but what they do have however is enough to stake a claim as one of the most “useful” companies to grace the world of water cooling.

So who are Mayhems? – Mayhems are a company which currently reside in the North East of England and is currently ran/owned by Michael Wood and Steve Verity. One is of course a lovable V2 rocket of opinions and outspokenness, the other is of course Steve, who focuses mainly behind the scenes helping to push the brand to the next level. Although relatively small in terms of operation, they have captured the hearts of many users and modders over the years due to their fluids fantastic colour range and versatility.

What do they actually do? – Good question and if you aren’t familiar with their company name, branding or of course products, they manufacture and distribute some of the most popular and high-quality water cooling fluid/dyes on the market. In fact their catalogue which features various dyes in many different colours is currently available across multiple continents; the exception being Africa, but I am sure a store somewhere has a drip bottle of Mayhems dye somewhere. Aside from the dyes, Mayhems actually produce two very interesting types of fluid which they are constantly working with, on and of course in conjunction with other companies products to create the perfect finished product. These are of course Mayhems Pastel range and Mayhems Aurora fluids. Just take a look at the image below to see how fantastic Mayhem’s Aurora fluids can look as many modders across the world are opting to use it in their show builds over various other brands/types on the market.

Can they reach even greater heights? Well, they are shooting high and have recently just moved to new premises due to the success and popularity of the products they produce. They certainly stand out to us as one of the “top” companies in the world of water cooling today and influence many modders and users choice due to the lack of real competition in terms of aesthetically good looking liquid.
Do other companies even compare to the popularity of Mayhems fluids with their current offerings? That remains to be seen, but regardless of whether you agree with us, or you disagree, we would love to hear your experiences (good or bad) in the comments below, or you can of course visit our community page and leave your stamp on it there –
We will also be conducting a variety of tests in comparison to other brands fluids very soon, so keep a look out for the article/review in the future!
You can visit Mayhems via various channels through the links below
Website –
Facebook –
Also big thanks to Davido_Labido for providing us with some of his images
Facebook –
Awesome builds ! I’ve found on the ocuk forums there is plenty of good feedback on the Mayhems log which is great. Mayhems also have the Darkside Rads availability in the UK which is another plus
Yeah, Mayhems are superb!