Mods to Watch – Parvum|Beast by BeckModz

Mods to Watch – Parvum|Beast  by BeckModz 2

With Parvum in the name, I was interested in this build within seconds. I just had to get my hands on all the grubby details about this system – I was not disappointed when opening the gallery. Rather than doing the conventional case mod, BeckModz decided to just create his own case and fit the system around it. What also interests me is, this system is running a 690 rather than one of the more popular choices currently – you can see that this mod isn’t 100% sponsored.

Go look at the full build log here:

MtW2 RenderHave a look at this render of the case. I think this is a very unique and beautiful case – something that you’ll be very talented to make the system inside look bad.

MtW2 SleevingI do like to see homemade custom sleeving in builds – it makes it feel like you’re truly in control of a build – by the look of it, BeckModz has a lot of routing planned.

MtW2 MoboWhat’s this? A Z87 board, how interesting. The first thing that sparked my interest after the case, is that this motherboard is red and black, and everything else seemed to be blue and black. Fingers crossed for a dual loop!

MtW2 FittingsThis tells me that BeckModz is looking for hard tubing in this build. It’s nice to see a build that has more than one supplier of fittings – getting a whole range of tubing options here.

MtW2 Placement Facing FrontLook at how much space there is towards the front of the case, we all know where the reservoirs are going to be placed. A nice comfortable fit for the components there, can’t wait to see the fittings route.

MtW2 Placement TestI really like how both the GPU and pump are at angles – it makes this system stand out even more than it currently does. We also get to see our first peek at rigid tubing too. If you want to see how he angled the components, be sure to check out the build log.

MtW2 Filled Loop TestA quick filled loop test. This is begging for UV LED’s. If you look closely, you’ll be able to see two Monster logos – the whole theme around this build – I really like how the reservoir looks like a Monster can.

MtW2 Monster Close UpThe logo up close and personal. This build is going to look amazing, I can’t wait for more updates. I hope BeckModz does something else with the PCI-E slots though…

Please, go visit the full build over at Overclockers, you’ll love it, especially those who like UV lighting….



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