Mods to Watch – Elegance by MetallicAcid

Mods to Watch – Elegance by MetallicAcid 9

When I trawl through build logs on various tech websites, I see idea after idea that all repeat and end up like junk or yesterdays news. The name alone describes the system I stumbled across for this Mods to Watch. Elegance is such an amazing build already, from what I’ve seen so far. A small build with a large impact.

Please check out the full build log here:

MtW4 CaseThe sleek design of the Raijintek Metis calls towards a media or LAN PC. But Justin feels like this case should be put to better use; a lower end gaming PC for his missus. He plans to have a very clean build. One for any modder’s wife to be proud of.

MtW4 mobo MtW4 CoolerMtW4 GPUMtW4 PSU size

From the look of these parts, you can tell Elegance is going to be a very compact build. To deal with the issue of heat, Justin will be reversing the motherboard layout, so it it like a normal PC’s – and possibly do some modding to the case – we’ll have to wait and see.

MtW4 Stripped CaseThe case stripped down. This is where Justin will be reversing the motherboard orientation. This is going to help airflow in this tiny case. Can’t have that 750Ti smoking up their lounge.

MtW4 PSU shroudA custom shroud has been made for the power supply to allow for more airflow and much neater cable management. It’s the small things that count.

There are currently no images of wiring up on the mod, but they’ll be along soon. I can’t wait to see this build develop into something that would make my Phantom 820 feel sheepish next to.

Please be sure to follow the log over at Linus Tech Tips, there is much more to be done here.


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