Ycam HomeMonitor Wireless HD Camera Review


[section_title title=Conclusion]Conclusion

When I took a look at the original HomeMonitor several months back, I was very impressed with both the concept of the product and how well Ycam had integrated it for both web and mobile use, so as long as you have an internet connection, you can view the display at any time. This was one of the first security related products I reviewed and I was far from disappointed with it, so much so it actually walked away with our most prestigious Editor’s Choice award. Put simply it was a great home security system that was incredibly easy to setup and monitor.

The HomeMonitor HD is essentially the same product in both terms of looks and functionality, although it produces a much nicer image, albeit a little more distorted from the wider angle lens. It still retains the simplicity in setting up the camera and configuring the motion detection areas, and the app is still great for checking up on the feed like I did numerous times with our new puppy. Reviewing the recordings is similar in ease, although again you are limited to the past seven days unless you pay extra for a month’s extra storage time – something that isn’t really necessary, but useful if you go away for a long period of time.

The question that this overview really boils down to is: “is the increased price worth the extra definition in camera quality?” Personally, I will have to say yes; it’s not a massive hike in price and if something dreadful was to happen to your property and the lack of clarity makes it difficult to establish the perpetrator, then for an extra bit of cash you could catch them/prevent it from happening again (although don’t forget if you use the cameras on the external areas of your property you will need to advertise the fact that CCTV is in operation). Whilst these cameras are not targeted for security purposes, instead more for personal use such as monitoring pets like I did, or even using it as a baby monitor, it is ideal and should be considered by anyone looking for a reliable and easy way to monitor their home.

Since Ycam have just made the original HomeMonitor even better, I couldn’t possibly let it go without giving it the same award. I use it all the time at home for monitoring our new puppy and I have no qualms whatsoever with the camera, so again, I am very pleased to award the Ycam HomeMonitorHD with the:


  • Performance
  • Design
  • Value


New HD camera boasts superior quality, easy to set up and use. Great accessibility.

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