Raijintek AGOS Review


[section_title title=Conclusion] Conclusion

Jumping into the performance side of things first and it’s a bit of a toss up. On one hand looking at the thermal performance graphs we see the Raijintek AGOS unfortunately comes in last. However, at the same time with the given temperatures is a few degrees really a big deal? Personally I think not. While the results may not be the best we here at Play3r have tested, they are definitely in a very acceptable range and given the price and features, it’s hard to complain too much about it.

Speaking on some of the features, it does include dust filters, a mostly tool less design and room for a top mounted radiator. There are a good amount of cutouts and ways to help with cable management as well. One of the things I liked was the fact that the wires from the front IO panel didn’t run through the 5.25″ drive bays, they were ran on the backside of the case, something I would like to see more of in the future from more manufacturers.

The overall design of the case is on point, though some things do seem a bit cheap but that is to expected a bit for the price. One thing I personally would have rather not seen on the case is the handle on the main side panel. I know it serves a purpose and at the end of the day does what it is meant to but I just feel it ruins the look of the case and the few time I used it, I never totally felt comfortable that it would stay attached. It never did come off but it sure felt like it might at any time. I would have also liked to have seen some dedicated 2.5″ drive trays, while I can see how having the drive trays fit both 2.5″/3.5″ drives may be handy to some, I have no interest in it personally, I say 2 maybe 3 – 3.5″ trays is enough.

Other than the aforementioned issues, this case has a lot to offer in design and features. While the case I received in for review was the white version, there was plenty of black in it as well which helps to bring it all together in my opinion. All the drive bays are easily removable, there is a big cutout in the motherboard tray for easy access to change CPU coolers and cable management was easy enough thanks to all the options available.

When taking a look at the price, which is just shy of £40 and you really can’t go wrong. The features alone are worth that and while the AGOS isn’t designed from the best quality parts, you really shouldn’t expect it to be. The AGOS offers good value for the money and is a bit better constructed over some of the cases in a similar price range.

When it comes down to it, the AGOS is a good case for what it is. It’s not meant to be top-of-the-line and that is fine as the price reflects this as well. It offers most features we would hope to see for any case of it’s design and price and there are a few added extras that similar cases don’t offer. If you are looking for a case in this price range you really can’t go wrong and the fact it comes in two different colours is always helpful in persuading consumers with their decision.

I would like to thank Raijintek for sending the AGOS in for review and look forward to seeing more from them in the future.


  • Performance
  • Design
  • Value



– Good Value
– Decent cable management
– Includes dust filters
– Removable hard drive cage


– Plastic on thumbscrews a little tacky
– Side panel handle feels cheap

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