Raijintek Arcadia Review


[section_title title=Closer Look – Interior]Closer Look – Interior

Working our way to the inside of the case and starting with taking the front panel off, we can see room for just 1 intake fan down towards the bottom. Also, on the front panel itself as mentioned the mesh like front will allow for air to flow in but should also do a fairly good job of keeping dust out, which is important.

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On to the inside of the case and the first thing that caught my attention was the size of the cutout in the motherboard tray which is generally used for CPU cooler installation; it is quite smaller than what I am used to seeing. Taking a further look at the motherboard tray we can see some more cutouts that will be useful when it comes time to managing our cables. Over on the right hand side are 3x toolless 5.25″ optical drive bays with an SSD mounting bracket below followed by 3x 3.5″ hard drive bays. Installing the 3.5″ hard drives is rather easy, you just take out the tool-free bracket of your choice, slot the hard drive in on the little platforms in the bay and then clip the tool-free bracket back on.

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Taking a look at the rear of the case from inside and we can get a better look at the pre-installed fan Raijintek have included. We can also see the cutouts for the motherboard and power supply, as well as the water cooling holes among other things.

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Taking a look at the back side of the motherboard and there are not a lot of places to route zip ties to give users a bit better chance of getting their cable management how they would like, though there are a couple in the middle. This is also where the raised part of the side panel will come into play as there is not a whole lot of room for cables back here period, though it should be fine.

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