SilverStone Raven RV05 Review


[section_title title=Installation]Installation

When it came time to install my test rig inside of the RV05 I decided to cheat a bit. I tipped it up on its back as and installed my components as if it were a normal case, this was mostly to allow for an easier time installing the H80i I used for testing the thermal performance. Everything I needed to get installed went in with ease, there was plenty of room and places for cables to go.

SilverStone Raven RV05_19

Once I had everything installed it was time to flip the case right side up and see what we were working with. As we all know heat rises and the RV05 plays on this big time and instead of having most of the heat exhaust out of the back, it goes out through the top. One of the major factors that will be helping this is of course that nice pair of 180mm fans down in the bottom that will be pulling cooler air into the case and helping to exhaust the heat out of the top. It definitely takes a little bit of getting used to the look of the rotated designed but in theory should really help with the thermal performance as mentioned.

SilverStone Raven RV05_12


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