Tech21 Impact Folio iPad Air Case Review


[section_title title=Testing]


Whenever I get the chance to review a phone or tablet case that boasts “drop-proof” attributes, I always get a bit nervous putting my iPad Air into the case and putting it to the test, but needs-a-must when it comes to reviewing as I like to be as thorough as possible.

The Impact Folio is incredibly easy to install on the iPad – the rubbery sides stretch easily, so you can fit the iPad in, which has a very snug fit overall. The folio cover, feels a little flimsy and doesn’t quite fit into the front “slot”, which would have been great at keeping dust off the screen etc, that said, it’s fairly thick and has a nice texture to it.



When it comes to drop testing, I find the best way is to simulate real-world situations, knocking it off a desk, sofa, slipping out of your hands, onto a variety of surfaces, with the iPad landing at different angles.

First up I “slide” the iPad off the sofa (approx 0.5m height) onto first carpet, then a wooden floor. As you can imagine, dropping from this sort of height had no effect on the iPad, which remained fully functional throughout, despite what angle it landed.

Taking it up a notch, I increased the height to 0.8m and 1m, which again had no effect on the case, bar the folio cover flying open occasionally.

Next up, the nerve-racking concrete test from 1m to 1.8m – a common killer for smartphones and tablets…

BAM! The iPad landed with the folio cover closed after a brutal corner impact – had it survived? Yes it had! I opened the cover and I was presented with the home screen. I took the iPad Air out of the case and there was no obvious physical damage – it survived! I then dropped it a few more times from varying heights and again, nothing changed – phew!


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