Tech21 Impact Folio iPad Air Case Review


[section_title title=Conclusion]


In the past I have smashed screens, cracked cases and blown batteries from dropping phones/tablets from a lot less than what I put the Impact Folio through during this review, so it has really coloured me impressed from the punishment it took. Despite being nervous at first, (dropping a £500 tablet can be very daunting), I was fairly confident that no matter what situation I was in when I dropped the iPad, that it would remain protected.

Whilst I tried to cover as much as possible with the drop testing, there will always be other situations that might arise, which could render the iPad Air dead or damaged after dropping it – such as the folio cover being off and dropping it onto a raised surface, or the iPad lands on a sharp corner on the mute switch – I’m fairly certain this would result in a damage. That said, I think the Impact Folio is great for everyday use – it feels great in the hand, has a solid feel to it (despite being made of a rubbery material), looks good and most importantly, offers nearly complete protection for your iPad. All this comes at a price, however, at £65 it could be considered expensive, but at the end of the day, if it prevents you breaking a £400+ plus device, it is a worthy investment

With all these points in mind, I think it is safe to say that the Tech21 Impact Folio is a great case, which offers an incredible amount of protection in a fairly compact design – providing you with that little bit extra piece-of-mind if you’re out and about with your tablet.

So, to sum this up in one sentence: I cannot recommend this case enough – especially if you are of a clumsy nature! Gold award!

Thanks to Tech21 for sending this over.

  • Performance
  • Design
  • Value



  • Offers full protection
  • Fairly compact considering level of protection
  • Looks good
  • Impressive protection from dropping from heights under 1.8m


  • Expensive
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