ASRock X99E-ITX/ac Mini-ITX Motherboard Review


[section_title title=”Power Consumption”]

Power Consumption

We measure power consumption of each component we use on our test bench to give you, the reader, an idea of the power requirements your system will require. For the idle tests, we let the entire system boot into Windows and rest for five minutes and then take the reading from the meter at the time. For our loaded testing, we place the card under Furmark and benchmark it for 15 minutes, the maximum reading is then noted and used as our result. AIDA64’s full stability benchmark gives a full load to each selected component across mulitple areas; in our case, CPU and GPU power.  It will give you a rough estimate of the power usage as it would under maximum load; better to have worst case scenario rather than best case.

Power Consumption Idle
Lower is better
Power Consumption Load
Lower is better



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