[section_title title=Gameplay]
Case – BitFenix Shinobi XL
Motherboard – MSI Z87-MPOWER MAX CPU – Intel i7 4770K
RAM – Kingston Beast Series 16GB 2133mhz DDR3
GPU – OcUK GeForce GTX 970 4096MB GDDR5
PSU – Corsair TX850 850W
CPU Cooler – Corsair Hydro Series H100i All-In-One
SSD – OCZ Vertex 4 256GB
HDD – Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB Internal
Gameplay itself doesn’t really change too much within this game so keyboard and mouse/controller are both more than viable to get through this game. Whether you want to laze around with the controller or sit up and play through with precision with your mouse, you’re more than welcome to do so. As I stated earlier, there are of course more Desmond sections, which I pretty much loathe, thankfully however there aren’t many and you won’t find yourself playing as Desmond too much.
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood was released in 2011 for PC, and with it being from a major publisher and developer it stands up against any game in it’s genre except maybe something like Witcher 3… that would kick damn near any game’s ass any day of the week, but that’s a game released in 2015 of course. While it is a fantastic port from console, (because let’s face it, Ubisoft treat PC as second class at times) it still hasn’t been pushed a lot more graphically even if the views you will get are pretty stunning.
Added though are some cool things for you to play around with, like if you finish every VR mission you get a real Raiden costume. My favourite though is the recruits, with this you can literally hire assassins as recruits to you, and when you’re in any particular danger or just want to screw around, you can call on them and they will swarm any enemy around you. They can also go on their own missions to gain experience, and completion will depend on the odds of success, so you would have to be fairly careful they don’t end up failing on you while out! New ways to fight people have been added too though, you can now kick the stronger enemies in the groin to take them out easier, and you can now attack while on horseback which isn’t too shabby. Another nice one is when Ezio kills an enemy, you can switch your attention to another enemy straight away so your fights become far more fluid to behold!
The multiplayer is something I really love in this franchise, it’s a game that kept it in my library for a long damn time! You will find yourself playing as an assassin, and you choose what you look like, your goal is to walk around a map and take out a target given to you, while other players have targets, one of which could be you. The target can of course hide in a crowd, run away, or slap you just before you go to stick them with the pointy end (get it?), which leaves you high, dry, and feeling a little dumb.