Telltale Games has announced the release of its new series “Tales from the Borderlands.” The series, which has been developed by the same company that made The Walking Dead, and The Wolf Among Us, is available sometime today on Steam via download for PC and MAC.
The game is also set for its console release next week when it hits Xbox One, PS3/PS4 & Xbox 360. Xbox One owners will get a release for tomorrow while Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 owners will have to wait until December 3rd, when it also releases on Xbox 360.
The game has been created alongside Borderlands developer Gearbox Studios. Tales allow you to play as two new characters from the Borderlands universe. The game is set after the events of Borderlands 2 and will somehow feature bad guy Handsome Jack. The other title onTelltales books Game of Thrones may be released in December, if a Steam listing is to be believed.