Big name companies have been flocking to CES to announce their new products and Samsung has jumped on the band wagon as they announce the Samsung Galaxy S5.

Vice president Dong-hoon Chang announced earlier that the rumours of the S5 were “under review”, the statement coming after speculation spread that the S5 would rock up at Mobile World Congress in late 2013. Usually, Samsung hold its cards close until they announce their own launch event for a new device in the S series, in a bid to rival the hype usually reserved for Apple’s new handsets.

The only information that can be deducted from this will be that the Galaxy S5 will be launched less than a year since the S4 considering that the S4 had slightly disappointing sales although this cannot be rivalled to smaller companies who would gladly take the profits Samsung make on their handsets.

The S5 is also rumoured to have retina scanning features that will unlock the phone once the user is looking at the camera which is a nice little addition to the futuristic feel of today’s handsets. Samsung unveiled a new chip recently that could mean the S5 packs a ridiculous 4GB of RAM as well as a 4K screen. That would be quite some handset!


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