The rumors that started floating around the internet of some kind of iPhone 6 Gameboy gadgetry are indeed true. At first people thought this was another April Fool’s hoax, but it’s actually true.
Hyperkin has announced the development of an iPhone 6 plus case known as Smart Boy that will actually transform your phone into a working Gameboy replica. How cool is that? The Gameboy first shot to fame in Europe in 1990 with a series of fantastic games such as: Donkey Kong, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda and not forgetting Tetris.
The catch is, you will need actual Gameboy cartridges in order to make full use of the case. So you’ll need to pop out to a local car boot fair or hop onto E-Bay to try and locate some of those timeless classics. Queue the inevitable price rises if this thing does actually take off.
Initially only the iPhone 6 Plus will be compatiable, however Hyperkin has said they are looking at the potential for releasing for other smartphones in the very near future. Personally I can’t see this being more than a fad, especially when it’s already possible to download Gameboy emulators (on a Jailbroken device) and from the Google Play Store (Android Devices) – However you just can’t beat the feel of mashing those A+B buttons. Hyperkin has already confirmed that the device will have a working D-Pad, A&B and Start and Select buttons. Also the device will have it’s own battery that can be charged through the phone and should have enough for about 5 hours playtime.

What do you think? – Is there potential for this in the market, will you be buying one? Let us know below.