Element Gaming Hyperion Case Review


[section_title title=The Build]

The Build

I’m pleased to say building in the Element Gaming Hyperion was relatively easy and on the display side of the case it was easy to make it look aesthetically tidy. The rear panel required a bit more work, but, the included cable management clips were well placed and helped a lot.

hyperion_build (11) hyperion_build (10)Very clean and tidy. The paint finish is almost matte looking. It matches the plastic colouring fairly well too.
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The cables were very easy to manage with the included grommets.

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Moving on to the rear of the case and we can see the cables are somewhat managed. As the IO cables run from the top to the bottom of the case there was not a lot I could do with these. The power cables had to go up and over the caddies to the top of the two rubber grommet cutouts. The 8-pin EPS (CPU power) cable is router up and over to the right of the case to meet the connector on the other side.

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A final look with the machine turned on. The blue LEDs on the fans in the roof light up the parts inside the case very well. Matching the blue lights from my GTX680 Power Edition nicely.

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