NZXT H440 Razer Special Edition Case Review


[section_title title=Closer Look: Interior]

Closer Look: Interior

The interior, as with the original H440 is simply amazing! Looking at the motherboard tray itself and there is a massive cutout to make installing CPU coolers as easy as can be without having to take the motherboard out of the case. To the right of that, there are 3 nicely sized cutouts with rubber grommets in them so users can pass cables from the back to the front of the case without the need for them to be seen.

The front of the case almost looks like it is blocked off from this angle, but rest assure it is not. This is actually where the 3.5″ hard drive bays are hiding, this way they do not have to be on display and again will leave the cable management looking nicer.

Towards the back of the case are the normal host of culprits we would expect to see from a case of this type. There we will find a pre-installed rear exhaust fan, motherboard cutout and 7x PCI expansions bays.




Not only is there a nice PSU cover that has an illuminating Razer 3-heade snake logo that you can turn on or off, it also doubles up as a dual SSD mount so you can show off your beloved storage drives!


Turning to the back and we can now see those glorious 3.5″ drive bays that were blocked off from the front. I really enjoy this type of design as let’s face it, most 3.5″ drives are nothing special to look at and considering there are two SATA connectors on each drive, it is best to have them all hidden out of the way a bit I think. The drive trays are easily removed by undoing the two thumb screws, one on either side of each tray then simple pull the tray out.



As we’ve seen, the Razer Edition H440 comes with some LED lighting and quite a few fans pre-installed. In order to have all this working without taking up too many headers on your motherboard, NZXT has graciously added a couple of small PCB’s on the backside of the motherboard tray. One of the PCB’s is a standard fan splitter while the other helps to power the LED’s. While they do add a few more wires to the backside of the case, they are done in such a way as to hopefully not cause to many issues to the user.





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