NZXT H440 Review


[section_title title=Installation]Installation

Building inside the H440 was as easy as one could hope for. The case is designed so almost no cable management is needed unless you really just want to do it for yourself. The power supply and all cables are nicely hidden behind the PSU cover with light-up NZXT logo and are easily routed to their desired locations. One of the many nice features is the fact that the 3 cable management holes to the right of the motherboard are on a bit of a slant which definitely made it a bit easier to get the 24-pin power connector connected to the motherboard.

The fact that the back fan can be easily moved up or down was also a big help when installing a Corsair H80i. There are plenty enough places to fit fans or even radiators for that matter if that is what you need. You would really need to get your hands on this case to appreciate all it has to offer.

For a case that technically only has one chamber this has been the easiest of its kind I have ever had the pleasure of building in. If you are looking for an easy installation I highly recommend this whether you’re a beginner or an advanced enthusiast!

NZXT H440 Installation 2NZXT H440 Installation 1  NZXT H440 Installation 4 NZXT H440 Installation 5



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