[section_title title=”BIOS”]

To showcase the MSI BIOS and to show you basically you get in terms of BIOS features before you buy, I have taken screenshots to show you the different menu’s available.  Here they are, in order of each menu starting with the main screen.

The main screen is MSI’s version of the UEFI BIOS, with 6 main categories, which I will illustrate more on this page.

The settings section is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin.  You can change various settings such as SATA settings, on-board GPU functions, enable and disable certain features such as hyper-thread (providing you have a supported CPU of course) amongst other things.

In the overclocking part of the BIOS, we have all the tools needed to increase the performance of your CPU by the powers of overclocking.  Here we have options to overclock the CPU core itself, the on-board GPU core (GT in the case of the MSI BIOS) and also plenty of memory overclocking options.  Also present is the ever popular XMP setting for quick and painless use to enable you to use your RAMS profiled ratings.  Please note that overclocking can kill your hardware and will void any warranty with your hardware vendor.

Here we have the M-FLASH, which allows you to save your BIOS to storages devices such as flash drives and external HDDs.  Here you can also update the BIOS to the latest version, but I only recommend you do this if you’re having instability issues, my motto is, if it’s not broken, don’t try to fix it.

On the OC Profile page, here we have 6 profiles where you can save your overclocking profiles, basically what it says on the tin.  If you have more than 6 profiles, you have the option to save and even load them from USB.

In the hardware monitor section, you can adjust the fan profiles.  This is a handy tool especially if you prefer performance over noise or vice versa; air cooling wise of course.

Finally, we have the board explorer screen, which allows you to identify the components installed onto the GD65 Gaming itself.  Not sure why I like it, but it’s a very nice feature.

So that’s the BIOS, all in all it’s a very nice looking BIOS, it works well and I had no instability issues while using it.


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