German overclocker Stummerwinter today broke the world record for the Unigine Heaven Xtreme preset benchmark on HWBot. The hardware used for this feat was a Intel core i7 3770K and 2 x ASUS Ares II GPUs on an ASUS Maximus Extreme motherboard.
For the benchmark run, Stummerwinter cooled the CPU with LN2 to reach a frequency of 6542.97MHz which is over 3GHz above the stock speed of the CPU. The GPUs however were not cooled with liquid nitrogen, but were instead run on the custom cooling solution of the ASUSAres II, which is a sealed water loop, similar to the Corsair Hydro series for CPUs. There was no word on the ram used in the run, all we know is that it was a 4GB (2x2GB) kit running at 1287.2MHz (2574.4MHz effective) and timings of 8-12-9-28 1T.
Stummerwinter also plans to re-run the benchmark with the same GPUs when Haswell is launched, this will no doubt mean that the record will not stand for very long and we should expect to see records being set in most 3D mark categories when the platform is finally launched next month.