
Online casino gambling has experienced steady growth in recent years. And with real casinos shut down indefinitely due to lockdowns and virus fears, this niche is set to explode in popularity in 2020.

Online casinos are incredibly flexible – you can play them on PCs as well as mobile phones and tablets. If you are looking for options to enhance your gambling experience at home, there are many accessories you can try out. Your choice will obviously be determined by the platform you prefer.

Here are some options from each platform worth a try in 2020:

Controllers For Smartphones

As titles like PUBG and Fortnite made mobile gaming a part of the battle royale experience, the market experienced a steep rise in demand for these gadgets. They are shaped like your console controllers, with slots where you can place your Android smartphone.

Touchscreens are great for browsing and many other tasks, but they can be a limiting factor when it comes to gaming. Using a controller is more comfortable, especially if you want to spend a lot of time spinning those online slots!


Whether you are playing on PC or mobile, a decent pair of noise-cancelling headphones can make a world of difference to your casino gaming experience. A huge chunk of casino gambling fun comes from immersion – and total immersion requires headphones.

Wireless headsets are the ideal choice here. They give you excellent sound combined with the freedom of movement. Do not forget to add a mic if you want to chat with friends while playing online. With live dealer games becoming more and more advanced, a mic should come in handy when you want to chat with the dealer as well.

Audio equipment don’t come cheap if you want quality – brands like Bose can cost you an arm and a leg. Of course, there are far cheaper brands available as well for any budget. And we suggest a no deposit casino bonus if you find your pocket growing a bit light after buying some of these accessories!

We already have plenty of VR headsets and adapters for both PC and mobile devices. Though still primitive implementations (the tech still needs time to evolve), they can give you decent gaming experience with the right combination of device, accessory, and casino game.

Most of the headsets available in the mobile market have gone down in price in recent years. If you want to try out Virtual Reality in online casino gaming, this might be the best time to do it.  Brands you should consider include Oculus, Sony, Samsung, HTC Vive, and Zeiss.

VR for PC is a bit more expensive as you will need a decently powered gaming PC to get the most out of the hardware. Valve’s VR sets, like the top end Index, are the best for a dedicated gaming experience on PC.

4K Gaming Monitor

Have you seen some of the screens used in a modern casino slot machine? With HD and curved screen technology, they are a joy to behold. If you are really serious about enhancing your online casino experience on PC, pair it with a proper gaming monitor.

A curved monitor will considerably enhance your slot and table gaming experience. As it holds your peripheral vision better than a flat screen, you get a more realistic viewing experience. Add to that mix the power of 4K HD graphics and you will never feel the need to go to a casino slot machine again!

If you want to keep multiple tabs open, you can go for a multi-monitor setup as well. This does not require flat panels – even curved screens can be set together to create a large viewing panel. Acer, Asus, and Benq are all good brands in this segment.

VR Headsets

Virtual Reality (VR) is a buzzword that has been done to death in tech circles for several years now. It has the potential to transform the way we consume digital media – movies, TV, news, and of course gaming as well.

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