DIY laptop building is about to hit the mainstream thanks to a new project based on the Raspberry Pi that uses 3D printing to bring a revolutionary concept to the Indiegogo crowd-funding site.

Pi-Top is a 3D-printable fully-fledged laptop based on the Raspberry Pi kit that allows anyone to build an affordable, completely functional computer whilst at the same time learning some vital skills.

“The Pi-Top Kit provides a basis to expand your knowledge in hardware and software innovation. Build and understand your own Raspberry Pi Model B+ powered laptop. We take you through each component and its functionality, so that you can use the Pi-Top as a tool for your own build projects in the future,” states the official website.

The Pi-Top kit, can be ordered with pre-fabricated parts or users can print them out on a 3D printer depending on if one is available. It also includes a six-hour battery, Wi-Fi antenna, laptop keyboard and trackpad, 13.3in HD TFT LCD screen and the newest version of the Raspbian OS.

Pi-Topā€™s creators went on to explain that future updates to the project would let owners of the kit create new products. This is being supplemented by free lessons for beginners and advanced users that will teach owners about hardware and software innovations that will eventually help users design printed circuit boards and create their own products.

Play3r’s Dave says: “Quite simply, it’s a fantastic idea and I look forward to seeing what else is to come.”


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